Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! This survey is designed for persons that are working toward the common goal of responsible manure nutrient management. The objective of this survey is to understand how different occupations and organizations rely on various information sources, dissemination methods, and collaborations to affect responsible manure management.
We realize that your time is valuable and have attempted to keep the survey as short as possible. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. Your participation in this project is voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any time without consequence. There are no known risks and no direct benefits to you from participating in this study. Your responses are strictly confidential. When the data and analysis are presented, you will not be linked to the data by your name, title or any other identifying item. Your consent is implied by completing the survey.
If you have any questions, now or later, you may contact us at the numbers below. This contact information will also be displayed at the end of the survey. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant in this study, you may contact the SDSU Research Compliance Coordinator at 605-688-6975, [email protected]. Thank you very much for your time and assistance,
Erin Cortus Assistant Professor and Environmental Quality Engineer Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering South Dakota State University Box 2120 Brookings, SD 57007 [email protected] 605-688-5144 |
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